Italian Annual Awards Competiton 2019

The Italian AI Associazione Autori di Immagini, calls all illustrators to enter the Annual Italian Illustration Awards 2019.

AI Annual is the most inclusive sourcebook of illustration,  produced in Italy and for the Italian market. If you are living in Italy or have work produced for the Italian market you may apply. All Italian professionals and students can enter work, irrespective of their place of residency.

Annual 2019 offers:

the chance to win the Toppi Award of the value of €1000 which goes to the best overall winner
2 Prizes for Excellence: the Wacom Award for overall best digital award and the Fine Arts Award signed by LYRA – official pencil for the best selected work created in traditional media.
27 Annual Awards Gold, Silver and Bronze for the 9 categories
2 x 1 publications: the Annual book and Annual Digital content presented in the APP AI BOOK
9 categories to enter your best work in: Advertising, Animation, Children’s Books Publishing, Comics, Design, Education/Scientific Illustration, Publishing, Self Promotion, Students
the possiblity to get your work in front of a jury of experts in their field of work,

The jury

Each year AI invites a panel of industry experts to make the selection for the shortlisted works to be published in the Book and select the Award winning entries. For 2019 the jury is composed of:

» President Arianna Papini, illustrators and art-therapist.
» Ada Natale – Editorial Director Barometz Edizioni
» Livio Sossi – author and professor of children’s literature at the University of Udine
» Clara Bolduri – art director Studio Bolduri – educational publishing
» Debbie Bibo – editorial consultant and illustrators/writers’ agent for children’s books
» Ratigher – caroonist and Editorial Director Coconino Press
» Vicky Gitto – president ADCI, Art Directors Clubs Italiano
» Charles Hively – founder and Design Director of 3×3 Magazine, NY
» Marco Zanoni – character e animator designer

Thanks to AI’s partnership in the EIF European Illustrators Forum all members of Associations part of the EIF network can take advantage of the special AI Member discount (€20 instead of €30 per image) to enter the Awards.

Please note that the deadline has been postponed until Monday 10 December.
So don’t hesitate and start submitting your images now – before Monday 10 December: Annual 2019 competition